I'm siobhan (aka shevi), a freelance digital artist.
I draw fanart, cute girls, gay people, vibrant colours, sparkles, and sometimes all of the above!
you can find my commission info, social media, and other general information here.also, play ai: the somnium files on switch, ps4, xbox one, or steam!


name: siobhan, aka shevi
age: 24
birthday: february 10, 1999
pronouns: she/her
gender: cis woman
sexuality: gay asexual
location: manitoba, canada
nationality: white canadian
occupation: freelance artist
art program: clip studio paint

biggest interests:
(I’ll probably be drawing these the most)
project sekai (mizuki, mizuena, ankoha, niigo, mmj)
ai: the somnium files + nirvana initiative (mizuki, iris, family)
current interests, subject to change:the caligula effect 2 (niko, χ)
the great ace attorney (susato, rei, gina, iris)

you should play:
ai: the somnium files
zero escape trilogy
the caligula effect 2
infinity trilogy (mainly remember11)
ghost trick
ace attorney series
ace attorney investigations 2
the great ace attorney chronicles
also watch hyouka!

commission price sheet & samples

click/tap on an image to enlarge it!check the currency conversion rate here!
please note this is just to get a general idea of the price, and it may not be 100% accurate!
contact me about commissions through:

scroll down or quick jump to see samples:

headshot samples

half-body samples

semi-chibi samples

chibi samples

dash of creativity

shevi creates

please click to see the images at a larger size!

also please note that the images displayed here are smaller than what they were drawn at, due to file size limits.
you can find the full-size files in this google drive, though you may need to download them in order for them to display properly.

MAJOR ai: the somnium files - nirvana initiative spoilers below!
please proceed with caution!